All posts by Andrew Lennard

We are back but with smaller classes because of Covid-19 restrictions. Hopefully in the New Year when our new beginner classes start, classes will be back to normal. Please see our contacts page to reserve your place for our new beginner classes early next year.
Sifu Derek O’Hanlon


Join us for our new beginners class starting 10th January 2017 and start your journey of discovery into an authentic traditional martial art.
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I would just like to say thanks again to my Sifu Samuel Kwok for coming down to the class last night, my students loved seeing you. Read More
A few of us went to watch the new Ip Man movie last night at the Printworks and can highly recommend it. You can watch the trailer here:

Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson recently flicked his left forefinger to the media and revealed that Hong Kong’s “Strongest Man in the Universe”, Donnie Yen had injured it while they were filming “Ip Man 3”.
As reported on Oriental Daily News, Tyson, whose left index finger was heavily bandaged during a set visit recently, stated that it was fractured when Donnie accidentally hit it during a combat scene. Read More